Slot machines are everywhere...starting from the moment u step into the airport (crappy picture because of the sunset in the backdrop)

Great view of LV..city in the desert

First day...off to Hoover Dam. One of the 7 modern wonders in the world

Looking down from the dam (the dam is 700 feet tall)

New bridge being built near the dam...would be great once it's done because 1) the traffic is bad because the dam only allows 2 lanes of traffic 2) provides a great view of the dam from there

Consider that the dam was built in 1935...this is amazing

Other side of the dam..yeah there are people boating

Nevada.....Arizona.....left foot at 12:45pm, right foot at 1:45pm...closest thing to time travel! (Arizona is one hour ahead of Nevada)

I visited the dam during a cross-country trip in the 1996 summer holiday. It is a true man-made marvel.